The operations to be carried out within the scope of the project are designed to be carried out in 3 stages. The works to be done for all sub-domains are explained in technical details below.
- For the energy field, sensors will be installed in 2 laboratories. Thanks to the sensors, the temperature, sunlight intensity, humidity and mobility values of the laboratories will be collected. And it will be transmitted online to an IOT object that is customized to collect this data. Relevant data will be recorded by transmitting to the Data Collection-Saving Server with various internet protocols to be designed. Suppose the relevant values are outside of specific ranges. In that case, the light or heating-cooling source related to the data sent to the IoT device over internet protocols will be automatically turned on or off. If no motion is detected within the laboratories for a specific time, the light and heating-cooling sources will be automatically turned off. In this way, more efficient use of resources consumed in the field of energy will be ensured, and a high amount of savings will be achieved. With smart water clocks and motion sensors designed for a toilet selected as a pilot within the scope of the energy field, instant water usage amounts and motion data will be sent to the IoT device. And these data will be recorded by transmitting to the Data Collection-Saving Server over internet protocols. The relevant unit will send a notification to direct a control officer to the area where a usage anomaly is detected. It will provide more efficient use of water resources. In addition, sensors that detect the occupancy rates will be added to the dustbin and liquid soap dispenser, specially designed. The data to be collected will be sent to the IoT device. These data transmitted to the Data Collection Server will generate a warning that informs the relevant unit to fill or empty the soap dispenser or trash can that has reached a certain occupancy rate. And these alerts will be sent to the relevant people as mobile notifications.
- For the classroom sub-domain, RFID cards will be prepared in two laboratories within the scope of the energy sub-domain. RFID cards will be read to the terminal units in each classroom. The entry and exit information of students and instructors will be transmitted to the Data Collection-Saving Server using internet protocols. In this way, student attendance lists will be automatically transmitted to the Student Information System automation. Thanks to the smart doors designed for laboratories, it will be ensured that the relevant areas are closed for use outside the hours determined in the programs. Information screens to be designed at the laboratory entrances and the occupancy rates of the classes, the ongoing and the next lesson, etc. information will be reflected.
- Garbage bins will be designed for the surrounding area. Garbage bins will be equipped with wireless occupancy detection sensors. Thanks to these garbage bins, the occupancy data transmitted to the relevant IoT devices will be transmitted to the Data Collection Server. The warnings of the garbage bins that have reached a certain occupancy rate will be transmitted to the relevant units. In this way, human resource planning will be carried out more efficiently, and control frequencies will be planned at longer intervals. In Phase 2, called Multi-Facility and Outdoors, studies will be carried out in the sub-domains of occupancy, teaching, environment, communication and managerial feedback.
- Within the scope of the occupancy sub-domain, in our parking lot located on the campus, the parking spaces will be monitored with wireless sensors. The occupancy data of these parking spaces will be sent to the IoT device. These data will be transmitted to the Data Collection-Saving Server over internet protocols and recorded. In this way, parking guidance, parking lot management and occupancy warning generation systems will be designed.
- Wireless access points to be created in the cafeteria and library entrance areas. The number of devices that provide instant wireless network access over private wireless networks will be determined, and this data will be transmitted to the Data Collection-Saving Server. The occupancy rates of the relevant areas will be monitored, and these occupancy rates will be displayed to students on information screens, mobile systems and various platforms.
- The sample to be designed will be transferred to the Data Collection-Saving Server, thanks to the motion sensor that will be added to the lecturer's room. An information screen will be designed to display values such as title, course schedule, study areas. The lecturers' suitability in their office and the other information will be reflected on the digital screen.
- The teaching sub-domain includes three sub-application titles as a virtual campus tour, mobile orientation and virtual laboratories. In line with the virtual campus tour, a website to be set up for our university's promotion and orientation events, and a mobile application, the campus areas will be uploaded to the system to be established. Students who have just won our university or in their preferred period will be able to visit the campus virtually. In addition, with the mobile orientation application, subjects such as the training that the new staff should take, the newly enrolled students getting to know the university and its opportunities, and the support of existing staff and students with regular training will be discussed. On the other hand, virtual labs include both AR/VR supported applications and desktop virtualization applications. In some cases, it is either not possible to detect the problem with sensors or not practical in applied. For these cases, the feedback from the users will be transferred to the Data Collection-Saving Server, thanks to the interactive information screens and mobile application to be designed within the scope of the administrative feedback sub-domain. Requests and complaints about students, staff, classrooms or common areas will be stored in the Data Collection-Saving Server to allow reporting. And it will be forwarded to the relevant administrative units.
- In the smart outdoor irrigation system under the environmental sub-domain, an IoT device will be designed to release as much as the amount of water required by the specific vegetation, which has been determined by predefined. This device will measure the moisture content in the soil and enable the transfer of related data to the Data Collection-Saving Server over internet protocols. This smart irrigation system will contribute to the efficient use of water resources.
- In the third stage, the smart campus, the Data Collection Server will record smart-university data coming from all sensors, IoT devices by using cloud and big data technologies. The data sent from the Data Collection Server to the Analytics and Reporting Server will be transformed into information by various tools to be determined. And thanks to the web-based software to be prepared on this server, all data will be monitored in real-time. At the same time, it will generate various warnings according to the determined rule sets and automatically forward them to the defined persons or units based on the role. Access to the relevant system will be possible over the HTTPS protocol. The generation, processing and monitoring of data will be possible from both mobile and personal computers. In the following stages, it is planned that the system will be able to make predictions in the context of business intelligence and data analytics and generate warnings to take proactive measures.